Blackmask Web Design, Making the Web a Better Place
Many people struggle to find the correct narrative for their website, this is often because they can’t work out what it is they want their website to do! That’s where we can help.
We take time to understand the role you want your website to fill, then do what needs to be done, to help you achieve that.

Featured Work
Website Design
Lost Found Rediscovered
In a very similar scenario to the one below, this client also had a complete disconnect with their former domain name and website leaving the company with no online presence other than that of social media. After a quick review of the situation and the realisation that getting the business back online with a new, purpose-built website was imperative, we went from zero to a published website in just a couple of days, followed by an SEO programme and copywriting process giving this client a great new website making the best of existing branding and bringing a host of new features forward for the benefit of a growing audience.
Website Design
Flora’s Coffee and Refill Shop
This was an interesting project, the business owners had lost control of their former website and domain name, and as a consequence were unable to be found online! Although not regarded as a ‘mission critical’ consideration, it was one of the things that the business owner was determined to get around to one of these days! That day presented itself following a meeting with Blackmask who were able to quickly find an alternative approach to getting the business back online with a brand new domain name and website.
Website Design
CCU International
CCU International are a new start Scottish company aiming to raise between £5m and £10m to commercialise its carbon capture technology that can be installed quickly and at a more affordable cost for small industrial customers, who were clear on how they wanted their website to present to potential investors and other visitors.
Website Design
Gilmar Engineering
Gilmar Engineering were looking to tidy up their existing website and present the content in a more structured way. Having recently re-branded, they were eager to embed their revised brand into the website and create clear distinctions across their provided services. They were also keen to include a section to present and archive any article they published on Social Media.
Website Design
Imagineering is a sign-making company located in Peterhead, I have worked with them a number of times over the years and was recently asked if I could provide a bit of a facelift to their website.
Like many companies, Imagineering doesn’t have the time or the internal resources to maintain and add regular content to their website and consequently, it becomes less relevant over time and can often develop the odd gremlin which impacts functionality and user experience. This is often one of the tasks which get put off until tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes!
I was therefore delighted to get the call from the Imagineering team and was pleased with the way this simple update put the focus on the fantastic work they do through a selection of case studies.
Website Design
Imperium Experts
Imperium Experts were looking for a quick, yet professional-looking website to help promote their fledgling business, they had a clear vision of what they wanted, and they provided comprehensive branding guidelines which simplified the site-building process. This was very much a work-in-progress project with content added frequently in the initial weeks, yet the live and constantly evolving website needed to look good and be fully functional from the get-go.
Website Design
Doric Tv
For this particular client, we were faced with an ambitious plan to create an online platform to help promote the Doric language and culture. The intention was to create a repository for the Doric Future film archive and to also create a new space for lovers of the Doric to post content.
In addition to the important film and video footage, Doric TV wanted to provide a blogging platform for others dedicated to the preservation and advancement of the Doric language.
Website Design
Cruden Bay Folk Club
We are also pleased to develop websites for community groups, musical organisations and individuals who have struggled to get themselves properly presented on the internet. In this example Cruden Bay Folk club wanted to advertise forthcoming events, host virtual performances, archive recordings and videos from live events, and create playlists for followers to access freely and easily.
Website Design
KOBA Architects
KOBA was very clear on exactly the layout and content they required for their new website, we worked closely with the company to ensure every tiny detail was just the way they wanted it, if we can get it right for an architect, we can get it right for anyone.
Website Design
We can even help businesses that provide specialised services to make the impact they need to make online. We can obviously help with the image creation and design, but perhaps even more importantly, we can also help with the storytelling. For this client, we had a lot of fun helping them create some musical snippets which feature the companies name across the decades.
Website Design
By The Bay
We really enjoy working with small businesses who want to make a big impression, we consider fully the options for design and always look to create a unique and memorable design which will have an impact on visitors, we can also help with integrated booking systems. For this particular client, we based the design on old Railway Posters which promoted Cruden Bay as a destination in the early 1900s. If you’re interested you’ll find samples of these beautiful posters on this website.
Website Design
The St Olaf Hotel
We can also provide the right solution for small country hotels, promoting the stand-out advantages any business has to offer. In this particular example, the owners of the St. Olaf Hotel in Cruden bay were keen to take advantage of their close proximity the the golf course, which ranks amongst the top 100 in the world!
As we did in this example, we can deliver the entire package for your business including photography, design, booking platform, integrated social media, and much much more.
Website Design
Clark Innes
Clarkie has been a musician all of his life and recorded a considerable collection of original songs across the years. When we first met, he told us he’d lost, mislaid, or leant out most of his back catalogue over the years, so he came to us with very little to work with in the first instance. We helped him pull together nearly everything he had created in the past, and along with his most recent work, assemble them into a single website to share with the world.
Website Design
Student Recruiter
We have also worked with businesses reaching out to global communities, Student Recruiter canvases for potential graduates from countries around the world, and has partnerships with many of the top Universities across the UK.
This particular project faced its own challenges as many parts of the content are in alternative languages, so it was really important to get that right.
Website Design
Elsulaimaniya Trust
We also work with charities raising funds to support good causes around the world. Illiteracy is widely spreading amongst the villagers of the River Nile state. Within the primary targeted area, a small fraction of children are completing their primary education. Infections and water-born diseases are wide-spreading. One survey among local school pupils revealed that 96% were infected by Schistosomiasis, a water-borne parasitic condition that is known to cause terminal liver disease. Elsulaimaniya Trust was registered as a charity in Scotland in November 2009 (Registered Scottish Charity No: SC041063) in an effort to combat this.
Website Design
Oblitarisk is a health, safety and human resources consultancy employing consultants available throughout the United Kingdom.
They offer a wide range of affordable and effective health, safety and human resources solutions for the private, public or third sector organisations. Our consultant’s expertise comes from a variety of industries including charity, manufacturing, engineering including aerospace, transport & logistics, retail and hospitality, service and residential care homes and construction sectors.
Oblitarisk, as a responsible business organisation, recognises its obligations to consider all relevant health and safety and human resourses as well as environmental issues in its dealings with its clients, employees, suppliers and the general public.
About Me
Hello! I’m Gordon. I’ve Been Building Websites for 20 Years
If you’re interested in the back story, I had another business back in the day, which was established in 1980, the year before the internet was invented. Once it became accessible to the public in 1991, we were one of the early adopters developing our own website which we had fully up and running by 1996.
Back then website design was a real black art, with its secrets known to only a chosen few, and business owners like myself were at their mercy, paying small fortunes to get ourselves online. Having studied art as a younger man, I had some useful skills, and so I decided to learn how to do it myself, I built my first website in 1999 and have been helping others do the same ever since.
If you’d like to get in touch to see how we can help you, just fill in your details below and I’ll be in touch with you directly.